Guest blog post with Ray Hennessy Wildlife!

I contributed a guest blog post on Ray Hennessy’s blog! When I first got into bird photography, I joined Ray’s mentorship program, and he has been a huge help to me in developing my photography skills and style. So here follows a shameless plug for Ray: Even when I’ve sent him some pretty crappy photos for critique, Ray seems to be able to read my intent and vision for the photo and offer solid advice to help me realize it for the next time around. I also have to give Ray some credit for helping me recognize the unique potential of the Great Salt Lake for creative bird photography.

Ray visited the Great Salt Lake recently, and we got to spend a few days photographing birds in some excellent conditions during the peak of fall migration. It was spectacular!! As part of my series promoting awareness of the current plight of the Great Salt Lake and the birds who rely on it, Ray has agreed to host a guest blog post of mine about the Great Salt Lake. Click here to read it!

Ray’s work can be seen on his website at

and on Instagram:


Comment on the draft Utah Water Resources Plan


YouTube Live with Scott Keys